Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Black Pepper Can Cure Vitiligo

The fact that black pepper can prevent Vitiligo, expressed in the British Journal of Dermatology explained that piperine which is the main content in black pepper can stimulate pigmentation of the skin of mice suffering from vitiligo. Even so, research it seems to be still very long, because only at the stage of research using animal experiments. Black pepper is included in the family piperacea. In addition to black pepper, white pepper pipercia also produce and green pepper. Spicy flavor due to the content of piperine black pepper. Besides, black pepper contains manganese, antioxidants, and vitamin K.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Berries, Dark chocolate, and Cheese good for our body

Berry can prevent Parkinson
Protect yourself from Parkinson attack by consuming berries regularly. Based on a recent study published in the journal Neurology, a person who consume strawberries and blueberries two or more times a week had a 23% lower risk of Parkinson's disease later. The researchers say the berries are rich in anthocyanins which was predicted to produce enzymes that may protect the brain.

Natural properties of dark chcolate
Consuming dark chocolate on a regular basis is very good for you who have a relatively high risk of cardiovascular disease. This was revealed by a study by the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle. Dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols, compounds essential to ward off cardiovascular disease. But remember chocolate is meant to contain 60% to 70% cocoa or chocolate special formulation containing the results of 500 and 1,000 mg of polyphenols in order to work effectively.

Cholesterol-free cheese
Good news for fans of the cheese. Eating cheese will not raise your cholesterol levels. Based on the results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in the fermentation process of making cheese from cow's milk are able to suppress the negative effects of cholesterol triggers. So it is safe for you to eat three slices of cheese each day. Moreover, the cheese is a good source of protein and calcium are abundant.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Epiphyte Can Boost Immunity

Epiphyte is a plant that is detrimental to the host, because the behavior is very cunning and become parasites. You certainly do not want to be a parasite to others. However, behind it is not profitable, it turns Epiphyte save valuable benefits. Extracts of Epiphyte can boost immunity. Although it still takes a long time, the presence of the Epiphyte adds to the long list of medicinal plants.

Researchers herbs revealed by using the four test methods that represent specific immunity, non-specific, cellular and molecular, plant leaf Epiphytes have immunostimulatory activity with active ingredients and kuersitrin B-sitosterol. Both the content was the result of the active fraction as immunostimulant. Imunostomulan is a substance that can induce an increase in the body's immune, either specific or non-specific, the level of molecular, cellular, or a combination thereof.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Benefits Dragon Fruit for our bodies

The fruit that comes from Mexico, Central America and South America and has now expanded in Asian countries after the plant was taken by the French (1870) from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. But by the Vietnamese and Chinese people considered his blessing. Is Dragon Fruit also has health benefits for us? I will answer in this article about the benefits of dragon fruit.

Fruit in the cactus family that has always had the look attractive enough to make our eyes were fixed on him. Dragon fruit flavor was very fresh and taste like a pear or kiwi, which is a blend of sour, sweet, fresh sweet and sour. According to the sour taste of dragon fruit most likely because it contains vitamin C which is quite high, while the sweet taste that is dragon fruit contain sugar which generally contain sucrose.