Thursday, 21 August 2014

Epiphyte Can Boost Immunity

Epiphyte is a plant that is detrimental to the host, because the behavior is very cunning and become parasites. You certainly do not want to be a parasite to others. However, behind it is not profitable, it turns Epiphyte save valuable benefits. Extracts of Epiphyte can boost immunity. Although it still takes a long time, the presence of the Epiphyte adds to the long list of medicinal plants.

Researchers herbs revealed by using the four test methods that represent specific immunity, non-specific, cellular and molecular, plant leaf Epiphytes have immunostimulatory activity with active ingredients and kuersitrin B-sitosterol. Both the content was the result of the active fraction as immunostimulant. Imunostomulan is a substance that can induce an increase in the body's immune, either specific or non-specific, the level of molecular, cellular, or a combination thereof.

One approach or the concept of traditional medicine is an increase in endurance and a return towards a state of homeostasis of the body with the use of plants. Some examples of herbs, such as gotu kola (Centella asiatica), rhizome of ginger and white (Curcuma zedoria), Curcuma mango and Kempferia rotunda has traditionally been used as an immunostimulant. This study was conducted based on the carbon clearance method according to Wagner classification (phagocytosis index) shows, all of these plants have efficacy as an immunostimulant.

The outlook is very good utilization of epiphyte as a natural immunostimulant, but require better study characteristics. Of course, test security is to be done in order to fulfill the main drug that is the quality, efficacy and safety. The research is also needed to level in humans in the form of preparations so Phytopharmaca and can be marketed in the form of herbal standard for the observed benefits and safe.

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