Tuesday 19 August 2014

Benefits Dragon Fruit for our bodies

The fruit that comes from Mexico, Central America and South America and has now expanded in Asian countries after the plant was taken by the French (1870) from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. But by the Vietnamese and Chinese people considered his blessing. Is Dragon Fruit also has health benefits for us? I will answer in this article about the benefits of dragon fruit.

Fruit in the cactus family that has always had the look attractive enough to make our eyes were fixed on him. Dragon fruit flavor was very fresh and taste like a pear or kiwi, which is a blend of sour, sweet, fresh sweet and sour. According to the sour taste of dragon fruit most likely because it contains vitamin C which is quite high, while the sweet taste that is dragon fruit contain sugar which generally contain sucrose.

Several studies have shown, all the fruit contains fiber and of the results of these studies can be proved scientifically proven that fiber can lower blood sugar levels and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Internationally agreed that the fibers as inhibitors of cholesterol absorption and sugar. For the people with the disease of excess cholesterol and Hyperglycemia is highly recommended to consume lots of fruits and vegetables.

Research from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences University Putra Malaysia, examined the influence of eating dragon fruit on blood sugar and cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have not been dependent on insulin. The results showed high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), known as good cholesterol, increased by 14.1% after four weeks done. While the blood sugar levels of patients decreased 19.94%. Conclusions from the study revealed that the dragon fruit has the potential to help lower blood sugar levels and prevent the risk of heart disease in diabetics.

Dragon fruit is also beneficial for people with asthma, this is possible because the dragon fruit contains a substance that phytopharmaca of plant origin and function in overcoming an illness. Additionally dragon fruit found to contain more vitamin C has antioxidant properties that are able to cope with all the free radicals in the body caused by a disease, so it is useful to enhance the immune system and reduce infections. Vitamin C in dragon fruit is also good for maintaining healthy skin.

Dragon fruit with fiber and vitamin C is also helpful to prevent hypertension. Dragon fruit fiber also helps expedite and facilitate bowel movements so useful once to prevent colon cancer. From an analysis of dragon fruit outside the country, it is said that the fruit is also beneficial for eye health because it has high carotene content. Besides meat dragon fruit can be used, it turns out that the new dragon fruit bud will bloom can be eaten and cooked as a vegetable.

Several studies have shown that the skin of the dragon fruit contains a compound that is capable of protecting the capillary blood vessel flexibility and reduce the risk of rupture of blood vessels, also has the potential to inhibit certain tumor cells. Basically to note is that the processing of dragon fruit nutritional value is not lost. Indeed, dragon fruit should be consumed in the fresh state as when it's cooked, some water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin C is not resistant to the heating process.

Indeed so many benefits of dragon fruit which has been mentioned. But it remains to note that everything that still needs more research with more complete data. Because there is currently no truly provide clear details about how many dragon fruit should be consumed and how long does it take to be felt immediately clear to health. So just enjoy the fruits of the dragon and feel good influence on health without consuming excessive.

Tips on choosing a good dragon fruit:
  • Make sure the fruit feels heavy.
  • The fruit looks fresh, not wilted and make sure there are no bruises.
  • When pressed felt solid.
  • Looks shiny fruit with greenish scales.

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